Practical Frontend Interview Questionnaire for Junior Engineers

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Practical Frontend Interview Questionnaire for Junior Engineers

✅ Web Development Basics

Would give a basic understanding of candidate's overall web dev concepts & knowledge

  1. Concept of modules

  2. Idea of Code Bundling, why needed, webpack concepts

  3. Transpilation Process, the need for transpilers - Babel

  4. Touch up around CSR, SSR, SSG

✅ JavaScript Language

👉 1. How JS is executed?

Covers: language understanding, execution context, hoisting, scope, scope chain

  • Execution context

  • 2-pass execution process - code parsing(memory allocation) & execution

  • Is JS interpreted or compiled? Share some language behaviour insights to support the answer.

  • HOISTING enters the chat... 👻

  • Lexical Scope & Scope Chain can be asked (optional)

//Hoisting output based question
var a = 1; 
function b() { 
    a = 10; 
    function a() {} 

👉 2. Closures

Laymann's terms - We say that there is a closure when a function reads or writes a variable that is declared outside of it's scope.

  • Do you see a closure in the below snippet?
let cars = ['Brezza', 'Bolero', 'Nexon'];
let query = 'B';
let filteredCars = cars.filter(function(car) {
    return car.startsWith(query);
//observed a closure?? 👀
  • Concept of closure

  • Use cases - Where have you observed closures?

  • Examples

  • Does the JS engine maintain all closure variables in memory or only the variables that are used?

👉 3. this keyword/ call /bind /apply

Covers: this, call(thisValue, a1, a2...), bind(), apply(this, [a1, a2...]), different function invocation types

  • this is the context of a function invocation (a.k.a. execution).
//1. output??

const numbers = {
  numberA: 5,
  numberB: 10,
  sum: function() {
    function calculate() {
      return this.numberA + this.numberB;
    return calculate();

//2. fix it to log the expected results

//[hint to the candidate]
//check how the calculate is invoked, give hints regarding where the this is pointing

👉 4. arrow function

  • Difference b/w regular function and arrow function
//1. output??
function Period (hours, minutes) { 
  this.hours = hours;
  this.minutes = minutes;

Period.prototype.format = () => {
  return this.hours + ' hours and ' + this.minutes + ' minutes';

const walkPeriod = new Period(2, 30);

//2. fix it

//[hint to the candidate]
//arrow fn takes this from the enclosing context where it is defined

👉 6. Promise

  • Execute promise code, consume using then, catch ,finally

Question 1 - Output

let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  setTimeout(() => resolve(2), 1000);

1 as only first resolve/reject is taken into account, others ignored

Question 2 - The built-in function setTimeout uses callbacks. Create a promise-based alternative.

function delay(ms) {
  // your code

delay(3000).then(() => alert('runs after 3 seconds'));
function delay(ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }) } delay(3000).then(() => alert('runs after 3 seconds'));

Question 3 - Order Output

//1. output
setTimeout(() => console.log("d"), 0);
new Promise((resolve, reject ) => console.log("c"));

//2. Explain with event loop
a c b d

👉 6. Event Propagation

Covers: event propagation - capture, target, bubble, delegation, event object

Start with a coding statement -

3 buttons in the UI

  • on click of save click -- > log "saving"

  • on click of load --> log "load"

  • on click of search --> log "search"

  • What is event propagation - capture, target, bubble

  • delegation

  • default phase? - bubble, but configurable with addEventListener third bool arg

✅ React

  • How React works, Reconciliation

  • Difference between React and ReactDOM